We compared Gelmix Organic Thickener to other commonly used thickening products such as rice cereal and pre-thickened formulas. See how Gelmix stacks up!
Gelmix does not contain starches like cereals do. Cereals are broken down by the amylase contained in breast milk, and within a few minutes they turn into glucose molecules (just imagine adding sugar to breast milk!); this causes the thickness to quickly disappear.
We compared Gelmix Organic Thickener to a leading brand of organic rice cereal, and the conclusions were astounding! Organic rice cereal adds at least 5 times the amount of calories to your infant’s regular diet than Gelmix does!
Gerber® Organic Rice Cereal* recommends adding 1 tablespoon of cereal for every 2 ounces of breast milk or formula, while the NASPGHAN recommends adding 1 tablespoon for every ounce. Each tablespoon then adds 15-30 calories to every 2 ounces of your infant’s diet, while one ounce of breast milk only contains 20 calories!
Gelmix recommends adding 1 scoop of Gelmix Organic Thickener to every 3 ounces of liquid. This adds only 4.4 calories to an entire serving of breast milk or formula!
The table below shows the number of calories and quantity in grams that both Gelmix and Gerber® Organic Rice Cereal* add to your infant’s weekly diet (based on 1 tbs of rice cereal to 2 oz of liquid, and an average daily consumption of 28 fluid ounces).
Rice cereals add unnecessary and potentially unhealthy bulk to your infant’s diet. One box (225 g) of rice cereal thickens about 120 fluid ounces, while one large jar of Gelmix (250 g) thickens up to 624 fluid ounces. It would take at least 5 boxes of rice cereal to thicken the same amount of breast milk or formula as Gelmix! That’s at least 5x more calories and 5x more filler!
*This information is based on the current nutritional label available for Gerber® Organic Rice Cereal